Trusted Cleaners in California
Trusted Cleaners in California
Get affordable, high-quality cleaning that covers above and beyond your needs. Our professional crew at Ever Fresh Home Cleaning Services keeps open communication with our clients to provide them with exceptional and eco-friendly services.
Book a cleaning appointment today! We serve residential and commercial customers in various cities in California, which include:
Santa Clarita, Agua Dulce, Phelan, Rancho Cucamonga, Redlands, Fontana, Rialto, Victorville, Hesperia, Oak Hills,
Apple Valley, Barstow.
About Us
About Us
We are a local, family-owned business that offers multiple professional cleaning services throughout many cities in California. Our crew cleans carpets, tiles, vinyl floors, upholstery, and more.
Meet Ignacio “Nacho” and Rebeca “Becky” Renteria
Meet Ignacio “Nacho” and Rebeca “Becky” Renteria
Mr. and Mrs. Renteria, the owners of our company, aims to make the lives of the residences of various cities in California easier by providing convenient and thorough carpet and floor cleaning services.